How Cold Weather Could Have Affected Your Foundation
Low temperatures along with occasional snowfall, freezing rain, and ice can irreversibly affect your foundation and cause extensive structural damage throughout your home.
Signs Your Home Was Affected by the Snow Storm
In addition to having to deal with the immediate damages caused by the storm, such as power outages and pipes bursting, many Houstonians now worry about the effects the severe winter weather could have had on their homes and foundations.
Top Benefits of Root Barrier Systems
Whether you choose to plant trees, shrubs, flowering plants, or ornamental grasses, installing root barrier systems is the only way to protect your home’s foundation, garage, walkways, driveways, and other structures from potential structural damage.
How to Clean Up Sewer Water
Not only do sewer overflows lead to unpleasant odor problems, but they can also cause property damage and unhealthy living conditions.
Protecting Your Home during a Texas Drought
The good news is that serious foundation problems caused by drought could be relatively easy to avoid by keeping the soil around and under your foundation evenly moist.
Save Your Houston Home Elevate to Safe Levels
Having your historic home elevated out of harm’s way and preventing a flood from damaging your home can be done.
Before You Remodel Your Home – Check the Foundation
While remodeling your home before repairing your foundation is possible, specialists advise against this.
Foundation Repair from the Inside – What to Expect
Sometimes, however, a foundation requires additional support, especially if it’s sinking in the middle.
Winter Tips for Your Houston Home
Even if you have already prepared your home for the chilly weather, here are a few simple maintenance tasks that could help you prevent damage to your home during the last few weeks of winter.