Why Root Barriers Are a Must-Have for Houston Landscapes

Root Barrier systems that are installed properly can help Houston homeowners prevent tree root instrusion from causing costly damage to the home’s foundation.
Spring Landscaping Tips to Protect Your Houston Foundation

While many homeowners eagerly embrace spring landscaping to enhance their property’s curb appeal, it’s crucial to consider the impact on the foundation of your Houston home.
How Your Gutters Help Your Houston Home Foundation

When rain pours down, gutters collect the water running off your roof and direct it to downspouts that carry it safely away from the foundation.
Foundation Maintenance: Choosing the Right Pump for Your Sump Pit

Protecting your home and its foundation from damaging water intrusions is a must in some areas of Houston, TX. This is why many homeowners install a sump pump.
Ways a Dehumidifier Can Benefit Your Enclosed Crawl Space

The health of your crawl space can affect the health of your home. Many times the problems your crawl space is experiencing is steming from your foundation.
Top Mistakes to Avoid When Installing a French Drain

A french drain can help your home avoid costly problems that include foundation failure, mold, structual damage, flooded lawn and so forth.
How to Prevent Hydrostatic Pressure from Affecting Your Houston Home’s Foundation

Hydrostatic pressure can cause different foundation problems and compromise the structural integrity of your home. Let’s find out what you can do to mitigate its effects.
Regrading Your Yard Can Save Your Foundation and Home

Regrading your Houston lawn could help prevent future foundation repairs.
How Concerned Should You Be About Your Sloping Floors

Foundation damage often extends to other parts of the home and causes unexpected symptoms. Sloping floors is one of them.