Foundation Problems You Can’t See

a large house with a lawn in front of it

Foundation damage isn’t always apparent. Sometimes, foundation problems go unnoticed for a long time, which means they could lead to major structural damage within a home.

Protect Your Waterfront Home

a house that is on stilts next to a body of water

Whether you’ve already purchased, or you’re just thinking about buying a waterfront home in the Houston-Galveston area, you undoubtedly want to protect your investment.

Summer Foundation Checklist

a city skyline with skyscrapers and trees in the foreground

Having a high clay content, Houston’s soil is extremely vulnerable to seasonal fluctuations, which cause it to significantly expand during the winter and shrink just as much in the summer.

Why is Foundation Irrigation Important?

a sprinkler spraying water on a green field

Houston can experience long periods of time without rain. You need to act accordingly for the health of your foundation, as periods of extreme weather can damage your structure without foundation irrigation.