Landscaping Can Help Protect Your Foundation
Although there are different things you need to consider when planning your outdoor space, your home’s foundation is among the most important ones.
What You Should Know about Pier and Beam Foundation Repairs
Currently, there are two types of foundations prevalent in Houston and surrounding areas: slab-on-grade foundations and pier and beam foundations.
Top Benefits of Root Barrier Systems
Whether you choose to plant trees, shrubs, flowering plants, or ornamental grasses, installing root barrier systems is the only way to protect your home’s foundation, garage, walkways, driveways, and other structures from potential structural damage.
Are You Harming Your Foundation
To avoid any structural issues that could ruin your home and cost you a small fortune to fix, here are a few fatal foundation mistakes you should be aware of.
What You Don’t See Can Hurt You – Foundation Damage
Many homeowners never think about their homes’ foundations. However, most of them start to worry when they see any signs of potential foundation issues.
Is Your Chimney Trying to Tell You Something?
Besides the fact that loose bricks could fall and injure people and pets or cause property damage, a tilting chimney could be a sign of other foundation problems that may require immediate attention.
How to Get Financing for Foundation Repair
If you cannot afford to repair your foundation, there are a few financing options you could pursue.
How to Keep Tree Roots from Destroying Your Property
When tree roots come up to the soil surface, they can damage the landscape and different structures around homes, including foundations, driveways, walkways, plumbing systems, and sewer lines.
What is Covered by a Foundation Repair Lifetime Warranty
There are two different types of lifetime warranties when it comes to foundations of homes. First there is a limited lifetime warranty which really covers less than what customers think.