PEX or Copper? Which is More Sustainable?
The two most popular materials that are used to repipe your homes and businesses are PEX and copper.
Signs Your Home Needs Repiping
Repiping your home as soon as you observe the first signs of a major plumbing problem can save you money, and even improve your overall comfort.
Fresh Water Lines in Your Home: Should You Use PEX vs Copper Piping?
Are you at the point of needing to replace the fresh water lines in your home? Or maybe you are looking to build a house and need to know if you should use PEX vs Copper? We take a closer look!
Galvanized Pipes – When & Why to Have Them Replaced
Do you own or live in a house that was built before the 1960’s? If your answer is yes, then there is a good chance that your home’s plumbing has galvanized pipes.
Can My Plumbing Be Harming My Foundation?
Plumbing leaks and foundation damage may seem like two separate issues. But in reality, a causal relationship exists between them.
Can My Plumbing Be Harming My Foundation?
Plumbing leaks and foundation damage may seem like two separate issues. But in reality, a causal relationship exists between them.
Services We Provide at Allied Foundation
Allied Foundation is well-known for our superior foundation repair services; but did you know we offer more than foundation repairs?
What a Sewer Line Inspection Can and Can’t Find
If you suspect problems with your sewer line, a sewer line inspection is the best way to get to the root of the issue.
Sewer Line Inspection & Repair: Everything You Need to Know
With technology advancing so quickly, there have been many developments made that allow for problems to be inspected without first needing to dig!